“The Manifestation of Divine Perfection Already Existing in Man”
– Swami Vivekananda.
Every day when I walk into The Sarvodaya Public School, I feel a sense of honor, delight and a sacred responsibility. The children we serve are in the most formative period of growth and development in their lives. To be able to touch their development at such a fundamental level is something we take very seriously – in a fun and enticing way.
Although much of what our young students learn at The Sarvodaya Public School will not be consciously remembered, we know from the studies of brain growth and personality formation that we are influencing the foundations upon which all future development will be established. This is a responsibility that is not to be taken lightly.
At the same time, it must be balanced so the children leave Sarvodaya Public School every day with the feeling that they love learning – and it is something they want to continue doing.
Add to that, families who are absolutely committed to the welfare of their children; We see our role as partners with the parents in the rearing of their children. We see The Sarvodaya Public School as a place for the entire family to learn and grow and our commitment is to supporting the parents in their role as their child’s first and most important teacher.
Founding Director